Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Well, today was my first father's day without my dad. We all got together at my mom's house and spread my dad's ashes out in the back field, with beer in hand, which were his wishes. Of course, I couldn't drink any of mine! I can't believe it's been 6 months since he's been gone. 6 months without my dad...7 months without my girls. Time sure is flying by.

We had my pre-op appointment last week and guess I'm all ready to go. I go my OB's in the morning for a quick ultrasound and then walk across to the hospital to get all checked in. The procedure is at noon, so please pray that all goes well. At last measurement was cervix was 4.8, which was great and super long, which means he can get the stitches up higher, which is better. Hopefully it is still that long! I can't eat or drink anything after midnight, not even water, so that's going to be a little tough for me. So at about 12:30pm, right after the procedure, I'm going to be chugging some water and scarfing down some food. I'm staying overnight for observation and then it's housebound for me. I'm super nervous about getting the required epidural, since it's something I have never planned on getting...ever. Also nervous about the cramping and bleeding that I'm supposed to experience. Not exactly something I want to feel while I'm this early.


  1. Don't get too eager on the food and water after your procedure! Post-anesthesia-vomiting is no fun. Just wanted to say hi and that I still follow your blog. I think about you and Rob and the babies and pray that all goes according to His plan! I'm glad that you were able to be with your family today. I know that must have been difficult.

  2. I will be praying.
    And I'm so sorry about your Dad.
    Please tell Rob I am thinking about him this Father's Day.

  3. I will be thinking of you and sending you good energy tomorrow!

    I'm sorry this was your first Father's Day without your dad. Sending you a big hug!

  4. We'll be praying for you today. He has gone before you and has paved the way. We love you both. Happy Father's day to Rob.

  5. Jenell, wishing you all the best with your procedure. Everything will be just fine.
