I had an appointment with the CNM on Wednesday and it was not good at all. I was very unhappy, but everything is fine. I won't go into details, but let's just say I don't think she had much experience with cerclages. She ended up doing 3 LONG exams on me, 2 with a speculum (think long and painful pap smear) and 1 manual! She basically said she was having a hard time 'visualizing my cerclage'. Then she has the nerve to tell me that she probably irritated my cervix and I may have some spotting. Thank God I haven't had any because it would definitely freak me out. Needless to say, I won't be seeing her again. I have a peri appointment this Friday and then I'm going to try and stretch it out until my OB gets back from vacation, which will be 2 weeks after that appointment.
I also took at huge step last weekend and purchased a co-sleeper. I have planned to buy one all along and they retail for around $190 or so. I had been stalking craigslist and found one for only $60 in great condition, so I just did it. It was scary to make a big purchase but I'm doing ok with it.
Here's my 27 week picture:
So after taking this photo I realized a few things. First, my belly is a lot bigger than I thought it was. At this point I've only gained 11 lbs. so I don't understand how I'm so huge! Second, my maternity tank tops are getting too small. Looks I'm going to need to buy some new clothes. :)