Saturday, December 5, 2009

Full term

Oh how I've longed to hear those words. I never thought I would ever make it to full term and here I am. I'm finally home from the hospital after having the cerclage removed this morning. It took about 20 minutes and I can't even begin to tell you how excruciating the pain was. It was worse than any of my past labors. If my labor and delivery are easier than this was, I'm good to go...if it's worse, then I'm in trouble. My OB felt horrible when he was done and saw me crying and I told him how bad the pain was. He asked why I didn't tell him to stop to give me something but the truth is, I didn't want another epi. He would have had to stop, take me to the OR, call in the anesthesiologist, give me the epi, wait for it to work and then I would have been there all afternoon waiting for the thing to wear off! I'm just so glad it's over.

So then he checked me and I'm 2 cm dilated, which isn't surprising. I was contracting about every 8 minutes but then it went down to every 10 minutes, so they released me. I'm supposed to come back when they're 5 minutes apart, but that could still be weeks away, which is what my OB is hoping. Me...not so much. I think I'm finally ready for him. Honestly though, now I'm terrified of labor. What if I can't do it? I know some people think it's not that important but it is really important to me to bring him into this world without drugs in his system. Yes, I've heard it all and I do know that 'I won't get a medal' and 'there's no reason to suffer', but it's just something that I feel really strongly about for us. I also know the most important thing is that he's alive and he's healthy. If I ask for pain meds or end up with a c-section, I realize it's not the end of the world...but that doesn't mean I won't cry just a little. :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Shut up! That is so awesome! (The full-term part, not the pain part). I'm finally starting to get nervous about my cerclage placement. I don't want the epidural, either. My water broke when I was having mine for Ella, so I'm freaked out that is going to happen again. And, I'm so nervous about the doctor not getting it right. I'll just keep meditating on your story and hoping I get there too. Sending good vibes for a safe and soon delivery!

  3. OH Jenell, you CAN do it! With or without meds, however you feel best at the time. For all that you have been through, labor will be nothing. You have experienced pain far worse than labor and delivery will be. You are one of the strongest most amazing people I know (and technically I don't even know you). You will do fabulous.
    And I guarantee you will cry, but they will be beautiful tears of JOY!

  4. I'm so glad...yea!!! Full-term...a wonderful thing to hear! I'm so happy for you. :-)


  5. Congratulations!!!

    If going natural is important to you, then do it! Or, at least, go in with the mentality that you WILL do it. But keep a back-up plan in mind, just in case. You'll be happy either way, I promise.

    I had hoped for a natural labor and delivery, but caved in for the epi after 8 hours, when I was at 4.5 cm and the pitocin they'd given me had started to make the contractions really painful. And wouldn't you know it? A mere HOUR later I was holding my baby boy, it had relaxed me THAT much and I was able to enjoy his birth.

    Best of luck to you, whatever day he chooses to make his appearance :)

  6. I agree with Shannon. :) So sorry the cerclage removal was so painful...the one thing about labor pain is that you have a beautiful baby at the end of it! You think you're gonna die in the throes of it, but the second the baby is out, it's SO worth it & you (almost) instantly forget it (it takes about a week to forget!! :))Having had both experiences with labor (one with an epidural, 2 without) lemme just say, the ultimate end result is the same. It's good to have a goal for sure, but if you can't do it Jen, don't beat yourself up about it. But I really think you can. I'm such a wimp when it comes to pain but when it comes to having a baby somehow I'm able to "man-up" (as Cisco loves to put it). I always just gave myself goals to help me along... "I'll get to a 5 & see how I feel", & when I'd hear that I was a 5 I would shoot for a 7 & so on. And massage does wonders, have Rob put pressure on your lower back during a contraction. TOTALLY helps! Either way, I'll be praying for a quick delivery. :) You're gonna do great! :)

  7. Not too much longer now my friend. I am so excited for you all!! Can't wait to see his cute little face, I picture him with super chubby cheeks, just like his cutie-pie Momma :)

    I look forward to more blog updates and to hear that all went well :)


  8. Jenell,

    I am so happy for you! :) You are SO close now! I can't wait to see him!!

  9. Praying for a safe delivery to both you and the baby. Sorry it was painful!!!!! Best of luck. You are giving us all twin loss moms hope... for a rainbow too...

  10. Congratulations on making it to full term. No matter what direction labor/delivery go for you, a healthy Mom/healthy baby going home has been for me the bottom line for a birth plan. (I have 5 children, 1 angel baby)What a beautiful time for you, prayers are with you for a peaceful time.

  11. Sending lots of love and hugs from VA. Don't worry about a thing; you will be great.

    If I'm out of line for this story; just send a messaged saying, "Shay, shut up". Anywho, I didn't want drugs and such during my labor and delivery as well and when I got to about 3cm (embarrassing I know) I couldn't take anymore because I was tripping over the contractions not getting any rest between them so I asked for the epi. I got it at 3 am and dozed a little. When the nurse checked me at 5:30 she closed my legs and said, "Don't move". They set the room up in record speed and when the Doc came in he said, "Are you going to prep her" the nurse said, "I not moving her legs until you are in position". I looked at the clock and it was 5:50 and I was mentally telling myself, "Okay I'm going to get this baby out by 6am" and no soon as I finished the thought the Doc says, "The baby's out" I sat up and said, "What!" that was at 5:51 am. He moved my leg and my son just slid out, no pushing from me. I think if the nurse had checked me an hour or hour and a half after the epi she would have seen I was fully dialated.

    Moral of story: Even if you don't stick to your "birth plan" things still come out in the end and you might have a somewhat amusing story with it.

  12. You're in my prayers and I believe, wholeheartedly, that you CAN manage labour. I will be so glad to see your little one!

  13. Yeah Jenell & Rob!!! I am so happy for you two and I really do not know you either. LOL If you want to do natural birth, then go for it! There are lots of women that do it and there are lots of things you can do to help things along. You are so very much stronger than you will ever know and you will have God's hands wrapped around you and your precious little son who will be here so soon! :) If you change your mind later on, that is okay too. Whatever makes you comfortable and happy. Best of luck to you guys and I can not wait to see a picture of that precious little baby boy. Sorry that the removal was so painful for you. We are all continuing our prayers for you guys and are just beyond excited that one of God's greatest blessings is about to come your way. It is such a beautiful experience...and there will be so many tears of joy and happiness, it just gives me chills to think about it!

  14. Hi Jenell & Rob, The epidural doesn't get to the baby like other things did years ago. When you get to that point, you'll know. My daughter labored for many hours then finally had the epidural in the last 2 hours. Who knows? You might go quick!! A friend here, Jean-Marie, just had a baby girl last week and the total labor was 3.5 hours! You're in our prayers. He's almost here!!! Thank you Lord.
    Love, Debbie Jones

  15. I'm so glad you made it through the removal and you are full term! I know the pain you speak of, it was the most awful pain to date, through all of my labors as well. After that, I felt like I could make it through ANYTHING, LOL!!

    I am so excited for you. Having been where you are standing 9 months ago, I know what is coming next and it is pure joy. Good luck, I'll be praying for you.


  16. Congrats on making it to full term...go in with a goal of no epi, but you are not a failure if you decide that you do need one. You will know what you can handle and what is best for both you and baby! Looking forward to pictures of your little man.
