Saturday, December 12, 2009

38 weeks

Ok, I know that I sound like a broken record, but I can't believe I'm still pregnant. I definitely start getting a ton of contractions when I'm walking a lot, but they always go away. I actually thought I might be in labor yesterday morning because while getting ready for my appointment, I had contractions 5 minutes apart and they were painful. By the time I got to my OB's for a regular appointment, they totally stopped! I'll continue to see my OB twice a week for NST's but he won't be checking my cervix again until I'm 40 weeks, so I don't know if anything has changed since he removed the cerclage. He also won't induce until 41 weeks, which is 2010! There are many reasons that I don't want that to happen so this next week I'm pulling out all the stops. I'll be bouncing on my birth ball, doing squats, walking a lot, and even eating a fresh pineapple...we'll see if he gets the eviction notice. :)

I was told that babies tend to move less starting around 36 weeks because they run out of room, but not the case for this guy. He just keeps getting stronger and continues to move constantly...and I'm not exaggerating. I have seen so many medical people during this pregnancy (OB, peri's, nurses, u/s techs) and literally every single one has commented on how insanely active he is. For everyone that knows how Rob was growing up, you know that means we're in trouble! :)

I can also officially say that I'm really excited! I wish I could have gone through this entire pregnancy feeling that way, but at least I'm there now. God has brought me this far and has given me peace. I'm trying to be patient, but that's not working so well. The farther I get with this pregnancy it also makes me miss the girls that much more because I missed out on getting this far with them. I know after he's born it will be even harder too but I'll just have to deal with that as it comes. I know it's not going to be easy.


  1. A sure way to keep the contractions going..and stronger is to play with your it does work! I went into labor with my 2nd son this way! Look it up!
    Good luck and I'll be thinking of you!!

    Linda/Harrisburg, PA

  2. I can't believe it, either! I didn't know fresh pineapple was labor inducing. I ate a ton with Ella and still do. Maybe I should stop until I'm further along. Yikes! Had my cerclage yesterday. I was at the hospital for 14 hours. It was a little traumatizing, but it's done. Now, I guess I just wait. :)

  3. Jenell - I'm so happy and proud of you! Please know you've been in my prayers the entire time. You can also not drink as much. Dehydration caused contractions for me. Love from Edna..

  4. You and I are on the same birthboard on bbc and I joined the rainbow baby group that you started...

    I am so excited for you and your hubby. Your rainbow baby is almost here! I had my rainbow baby early...He was born at a mere 31 weeks but he's 37 weeks today and came home with us on Tuesday :)

    I can't wait to hear your birthstory and see the pics of your precious boy!

  5. So glad that you got to a point where you allow yourself to be excited! I remember finally having that feeling- I was kind of disappointed that I was cheated from it the whole pregnancy!

  6. Congrats you are getting SO close now!! I keep checking back often hoping to hear one of the times that you're in labor. Good luck and thinking of you in Illinois.

  7. It is so closed and my fingers are crossed for a healthy 2009 arrival. Aside from the important things, the tax deduction is nice! I'm happy to hear you sounding upbeat and optimistic. If you are like me, it won't seem real for a while. I think it took me a couple of months to really believe that my rainbow arrived safely and I actually had a living child. Sending lots of "contracting & effacing" thoughts your way!

  8. I can't believe you're still pregnant, either! I logged on this morning thinking that you would have delivered over the weekend. If those contractions keep coming, surely it won't be long. I am hoping for a 2009 arrival for you and baby. Keep us posted! :)


  9. Oh don't forget spicy food. I love Mexican and craved it at the end (I didn't believe the spicy food myth) and I wasn't even trying to get him to come, but for 2 days I had something spicy for dinner. I had spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's and mexian the following night. That was the night my water broke. So if you love mexican, go for it.
