Saturday, October 31, 2009

32 weeks

Another week down and nothing exciting to share. No news is good news! I don't have my next appointment until Thursday and I'll be pretty proud of myself for going 2 whole weeks. No more ultrasounds though, so all he'll do is measure the belly, weigh me, and check the heartbeat. So far I'm up 20 pounds, which I think is still pretty good, so hopefully I don't blow up like a balloon in the home stretch. This guy is still super active, which makes me a happy mamma. :) My cerclage is coming out in 4 weeks and I can't wait! It's crazy to think he could be here in just a month from now. Maybe it's really going to happen! I also can't wait to go for some walks and get a little exercise...among other things that I won't mention. ;)

I'm also so excited because my best friend's sister-in-law has two young boys and is done having kids and has decided to give all of her stuff to me! I am SO grateful and can't will be like Christmas only way better. Some family has also offered me some stuff, which I will gladly take! I feel so much better knowing that I don't have to have a shower but I also don't have to go broke. I love people's generosity.


  1. Yay for 32 weeks Momma!! And Happy Halloween to you guys too! You sound sooo good and 20 pounds is awesome Jenny!!! Have you settled on a name for your little guy yet?? Where is our belly pic!!?? I knew you'd get everything you needed for the baby! That's so awesome about the donation, I am thrilled to hear! Enjoy your time with Rob before baby arrives :)


  2. I was browsing through the baby loss directory and discovered your other blog which lead me to this one. Thank you for sharing your story. You can read my story by clicking my link.

    My hubby and I are trying again. Your story gives me hope :)


  3. I see how the Lord is already using your experiences to bring hope to others like Janet.
    Enjoy these last few weeks while he's still inside. I remember when my baby boy hiccuped the first time and I thought "oh, yeah, that's what that was while you were inside!" Learn how to use the breast pump before he gets here.
    If you don't have one, find a lactation consultant in your area and get one. They really are very helpful. My daughter still uses hers and Micah is 10 months old. (Babies at 9 months go on nursing strikes because life is so interesting they don't want to nurse.) That's where pumping comes in handy. What a journey you've been on. You have gained so much courage and strength. Sending love, Debbie Jones

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  5. Thinking of you guys today....((((hugs)))) Still hard to believe it has been a year.

    Amie from BBC
