Monday, October 12, 2009

29 weeks

Saturday was 29 weeks, so another one down. I've still been having contractions but not more than 4 in an hour, so I'm good to go apparently. I had an appointment with my OB and I'm so glad he's back. His nurse told me that the first thing he did when he came in the office this morning (after 5 weeks of vacation) was ask how I was. :) My cervix still is closed and looking good, which is always nice to hear. He told me my contractions at this point are normal but to still really take it easy and just increase my fluids. I'm finally putting on the pounds too...I'm up a total of 16 pounds so far and I'm measuring 31 weeks. I also passed the gestational diabetes blood test, so that's one less thing to worry about. I am anemic though, so now I have to start taking iron, which is just lovely. Now I'll have to up my daily prune regimen...not looking forward to that. :(

I picked up some great deals from craigslist and a yard sale this weekend so my purchases for this little guy are finally growing. The planner in me just can't wait any longer. I just love craigslist...I got a snap n go stroller in excellent condition for $10! I'm still a little scared to buy things but as each week goes by, I feel a tiny bit better. I still can't commit to a baby shower though...that's just too much. I decided I definitely will not have one but will probably do a meet the baby party in the spring so that friends and family can see him. Since we basically have nothing (expect what I've bought over the last few weeks and the stash of cloth diapers I've been collecting) I'm just going to keep stalking craigslist every day for everything I need to get by. Babies really don't need much anyway right? I keep decorating his nursery in my head, but it's still really hard for me to picture an actual baby in this house. I really really really hope he's coming home with us!


  1. So glad to see all is well, God Bless you and may you have peace as your journey continues.

  2. Ladybug,

    He's coming home. I know it with EVERY fiber of my being. My prayers for you are on my lips daily and there is such peace about the three of you. I'm already anticipating Christmas pictures. I can't explain it, but I pray that God will give you a peace that passes all understanding. This is your year Miss Ma'am.
    God Bless and Lots of love to you and Rob.

  3. congrats! you are doing awesome...

    i'm a mom of a 29 weeker and now a 31've crossed the big milestones my dear! rejoice in it!

    praying for many more weeks!

  4. I'm so excited for you Jenny!! Almost 30 weeks, OMG! You are doing great, and where is our belly picture!?! No worries, the baby has everything he needs already, you and Rob :)


  5. Praising the Lord with you.

    -amie (BBC, thyroid group)

  6. Hi Jenell,

    I have been following your blog since our loss in July. Our son was born too soon at 23 weeks. Thank you for giving me hope during these trying months. You are a true inspiration and I just wanted to say Thank you :)

  7. I can so relate to this post as I'm sure you understand. Keep focusing on the good reports.. Thats what I am trying to do. I had an ultrasound this week and Amelia is 3 lbs 2 oz... so that was quite the relief. WE WILL BRING THESE BABIES HOME!!!!
